Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Mood: Dunno
Listening To: Mind in the Gutter - Chris Crocker

I've been cramped up inside ALL day and I think I'm going insane. Seriously. My mom didn't pay the internet/tv bill so I was bored out of my fucking mind. Shane's like, creeping around while I write this all hunched over at my grandmother's house on her computer, which isn't as slow as it normally is. Semi is on Thursday and if I'm not feeling better by tomorrow night, I'm not going. Won't be worth it. Oh well. Whatever. Christmas is in like, 16 days-ish? Kinda excited for that, I guess. Here's a hint to all you that read this, if you're gonna eat crackers, make sure you've got something to drink. =\ They're really dry. I'm just gonna wrap this up now, before I go fucking insane.

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